Join us today!

Member Benefits

1. You have FREE access to most ARTA events, classes, and workshops through May 1, 2025.

Recent ARTA offerings include the New Year, New ARTA! party at Spotted Octopus Brewing Company, the Designers Showcase at Houndstooth Costume Collective, the Directing Workshop at Paul Robeson Theatre, workshops in CPR/AED and First Aid/Narcan at Resource Council of WNY, a panel discussion on Burnout in Buffalo Theatre at MusicalFare, and a Viewpoints Workshop co-sponsored by Shea’s.

NOTE: If events are co-sponsored by another organization (such as, perhaps, Shea’s co-sponsoring a series of more intensive Viewpoints Workshops in Fall 2024) ARTA members will receive a discount, but may be asked to pay a nominal fee. Likewise, if we throw a party on Shakespeare Hill before a play (Friday, June 21, 2024, for example), we will ask attendees for a contribution towards renting the platform.

2. YOUR headshot, resume and contact info gets its own updatable, custom page.

If you join today, your professional theatre page will be set up within two weeks and will remain accessible through May 1, 2025. (The earlier you join, the more bang for your buck!) Includes:

  • downloadable headshot (updatable 1x before 5/1/25)

  • downloadable PDF theatre resume (updatable 1x before 5/1/25)

  • contact information you wish to share

  • fairly elegant, easy-to-remember URL:

UPDATE: On 6/21/24, the Theatre Alliance of Buffalo (TAB) announced that it was reinstating its Artist Page, so there are currently two directories of local theatre practitioners: TAB will post your headshot and contact information for a one-time fee of $5 if you email them at this address.

Does this mean you have to shell out more money to have your information listed in both directories? No. An ARTA member, recognizing the commitment of both organizations to WNY theatre, has graciously offered to reimburse ARTA members for cross-listing on the TAB Artist page. If you want your $5 reimbursed, simply email ARTA at this address after your new TAB listing has posted, and we’ll get in touch with you ASAP about how you’d like to be paid.

3. You know you did the right thing.

You tip at a bar or restaurant, don’t you? Of course you do. Because you’re decent. (Also, if you make theatre happen, chances are good you once made a restaurant, bar, or shop happen—or still do!) Look, ARTA is all volunteers who love theatre and want to make the experience of making theatre better for everyone. But there are real costs associated with ARTA’s work, such as bills for hosting this site and for the video conferencing account that lets us host many virtual meetings per month.

Your contribution helps us help you—and everyone in our region who loves theatre. If you contribute as a dues-paying member, you’ve got skin in the game to help us get the word out about workshops that help us get better at our craft AND about our Stage Directions compendium of best theatre practices!

“Wait, but should I join ARTA?”

If you found this page, the answer is probably yes. ARTA works for anyone and everyone who makes theatre in Western New York!

RAQs (Recently Asked Questions)

What if I don’t have a headshot?

You don’t need a headshot. Maybe you’re an actor who won’t have one you like for a few more weeks or months. Maybe you’re a stage manager or designer who doesn’t typically rely on a headshot. No problem! Your membership still entitles you to a Member Directory page where you can share another image relevant to your work, or no pic at all if you prefer. If you want a way for people to learn a little bit about you as a theatre professional and how to reach you, we’ll set up a page to do just that!

What if I don’t want a Member Directory page?

You do you. ARTA membership still confers all the benefits listed above, but you can pick and choose those that work best for you. Maybe you don’t want a member directory page, but you like free or discounted workshops, events, and parties. We’re here for you. Welcome!

What if I have another question?

Email us! Click one of the buttons below.

How To Join ARTA


Let us know your name, optional intro blurb (200 words or less), contact information you wish to share, etc. (If you’d prefer not to have a member directory page, that’s fine too. Just let us know in the “intro blurb” field.) Filling out this form helps us keep our information up to date.

2. Send us your headshot and resume. 

NOTE: JPEG preferred for headshot; PDF for resume. Again, these are optional. Some members do headshot, no resume. Some members prefer not to have a page. If you’re a scenic designer and you’d rather feature as your image one of your spectacular sets, send us that!

3. Make a financial contribution as you are able. 

We’re asking for $20 as the standard annual contribution by WNY theatre artists. $5 if you’re a full-time student during any semester through May 1, 2025. (If you’d like to sponsor another practitioner who’s having a hard time financially, add multiples of $20.)

NOTE: You’ll have to click ONE of the buttons below (A. or B.) and fill out the requested information in order to have your WNY professional page developed.

FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION. If times are tough, drop us a line to request temporary free membership. No details necessary—just let us know you could use a boost until next spring. You will have access to all member benefits and your gratis status will be kept strictly confidential.